Welcome to A Chile Adventure!
In early March 2011, I will be embarking on an epic adventure to work in Chile for four months with a fabulous group of Christians and the organisation Latin Link. The plan is to keep all you guys updated with my progressing in raising money to get there and all that I get up to while I'm out there!
Please keep me, the guys and girls I'm travelling with and the people we will be working with in your prayers and please donate if you can!

Monday 7 March 2011

Today's The Day...

Well my lovely friends far and near,

Today's the day that I start my journey to Chile. My flight leaves London at quarter to 8 tonight and after nearly 12 hours, we will arrive in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We then have a 3 hour wait until we board our next flight tomorrow, which will take 4 hours to get over to Santiago in Chile. With my bags stretched to the limit and enough sweets to last 4 months, I think I'm ready to go...

Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored me and helped me to raise money, it's been amazing to see how people have given even out of what little they have. I'm so thankful for every bit of money that's been given and I know it's going towards helping some people who are in real need.

I'm gonna miss people back home, but I'm also excited about the new friends I'm going to make and the wonderful people I'm going to meet. It's going to be one awesome experience and I'll keep this blog as up to date as possible with stories and pictures and all the little adventures that we have!

Please do email me and keep raising money/sponsoring me if you can!

Much love to you all and I'll write as soon as I can when I arrive

Sarah xxxx

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