Welcome to A Chile Adventure!
In early March 2011, I will be embarking on an epic adventure to work in Chile for four months with a fabulous group of Christians and the organisation Latin Link. The plan is to keep all you guys updated with my progressing in raising money to get there and all that I get up to while I'm out there!
Please keep me, the guys and girls I'm travelling with and the people we will be working with in your prayers and please donate if you can!

Monday 21 March 2011


Oh what a glorious day it is today...again.... Hmmm loving the sunshine!

Well yesterday, Dave and myself were on domestic duty, which meant rising early and cooking the standard porridge breakfast for everyone. We´re still trying to find a way of brightening it up... so far we´ve had manjar, honey, jam, bananas, apple, nectarine, sugar.... and tbh.... it stills tastes bland. BUT... it´s a good start to the day!

Everyone else headed off to do sunday school (escuela domical) whilst Dave and I cleaned whilst plotting what to have for lunch. Wé popped to the market for some lush fresh veg and into chicken world for a nice bita meat and headed back to cook a ...kinda... roast dinner... Well the best you can do with just two gas rings for cooking... it was pretty nice actually! Oh and I nearly forgot to say... We did all our cooking by headtorch light because the power went out LOL! How could I forget that!!!

In the afternoon, Luciano took us all out to the countryside just outside Temuco. And it as gorgeous! We went to an orchard and eat sooo many apples it was crazy, but they were so sweet and delicious... except for the SUPER sour ones. He the took us to a farm where they make fresh apple juice... and then on to meet a Mapuche lady and to see her land, in which there was a river was you can drink from. His such a generous man, he just keps on giving and giving us things, and every time we do something for him, he does about 5 things for us!!!

Today, we´ve been practicing a drama and some songs for a church service tonight which will hopefully go well! And getting a whole load of paint and equpiment for finishing the house this week.

Which we´ll get cracking on tomorrow!

So, until nest time, ciao and hasta luego xx

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