Welcome to A Chile Adventure!
In early March 2011, I will be embarking on an epic adventure to work in Chile for four months with a fabulous group of Christians and the organisation Latin Link. The plan is to keep all you guys updated with my progressing in raising money to get there and all that I get up to while I'm out there!
Please keep me, the guys and girls I'm travelling with and the people we will be working with in your prayers and please donate if you can!

Saturday 19 March 2011

One Week In...


It´s been a while since I´ve written and its hard quite hard to remember what´s happened!! We´ve been working in the community as well as painting the house that we´re staying in - lovely blue and yellow to be precise :) But so much more will have happened than I can remember!

So I´ll try my best to give you a flavour of life here at the moment!

Most mornings we have porridge for breakfast... which is fine... but.... lacks flavour! Even when you eat it with honey and manjar (dulce de leche - its kinda like caramel). Meals consist of a lot of carbohydrates and tomato sauce, but they´ve been very tasty... with the exception of the ´salt´ insistent where a whole load of rice suddenly tasted quite strongly of salt - but I guess thats what happens when an entire pot of salt is added... pucha!

Every day two people from the team are on´domestics´while the others have split into two teams - one working in the community and one working in the house. And the sun has been gorrrrrrgeous, and so so strong! I think we´re all burnt at least a bit and I´m pretty badly burnt - oops. But my spanish is improving, or at least my understanding of what people are saying, altho their accent is so strong and they constantly drop letters from words which is SO confusing!

What else has happened....? Erm... we´ve managed to block a sink and a toilet so Jonny is now our elected plumber and we´ve made good friends with our neighbour Luciano, who is so unbelievably generous that he just pops round with food for us all the time. He´s invited us to go to his house at some point to eat asado, which is like a massive bbq and Chile´s ´native´dish.

Today we did a funday for the kids... which was gooood-ish. The kids here are lovely, but they literally have no discipline and don´t care. They frequently climb over the gates to the church and throw things at our door. I actually find it really sad, because its so obviously a cry for attention, not that they actually trying to break stuff etc. At the moment, our padlock is broken tho, so it´s making it easy for them to come in, so prayers are appreciated for how to deal with that and for our protection.

Tomorrow, we´re running the sunday school and I think this next week we will be doing more of the same things.

I´ll try and get soem photos up soon and a bit more details about some things we´ve been up to.

Much love to everyone back home

Miss you all


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