Welcome to A Chile Adventure!
In early March 2011, I will be embarking on an epic adventure to work in Chile for four months with a fabulous group of Christians and the organisation Latin Link. The plan is to keep all you guys updated with my progressing in raising money to get there and all that I get up to while I'm out there!
Please keep me, the guys and girls I'm travelling with and the people we will be working with in your prayers and please donate if you can!

Monday 21 February 2011

45 Miles and 7.5 Hours Later...

Yesterday morning, at 8 am, Anna, Andy, Colin, Sarah, Toby and I gathered in Southwater Country Park to start the epic journey down to Worthing and back along the Downs Link, and I must say I was quite optimistic about how easy this 'little bike ride' would be - boy was I in for a shock! And so was every muscle in my body!!!

We powered down to Worthing - up and down hills, through muddy puddles and I think Sarah Thomas wins the muddiest person competition, while I managed to avoid most of the mud even though I went through the puddles - Thank the Lord for mud-guards!! ;) We across an epically boggy field, nearly loosing shoes and sped down long hills... only to realise... we had to come back up them!!

We stopped off for our half-way lunch break at Worthing pier, before turning round and coming back... and man was that tough! Even the flatter parts of the journey felt like effort, and the hills looked like they'd defeat us, but no! We pushed on and persevered! The last half an hour was probably the worst, as everything ached and it just never seemed to end. But we made it, we completed the whole 45 miles in 7 and a half hours :D Next mission.... collect in all the promised sponsors ;)

I'm so thankful to the other guys who came with me, it was a brilliant day, even if my body now kanes and doesn't like me very much! And thank you to everyone who's sponsored me to ride, every donation is seriously helpful and making a difference!

Everything seems to be happening so fast now and I actually can't believe that it's only 2 weeks until I go. My last day of work is tomorrow, then orientation and meeting everyone from Wednesday till Sunday... then it's one week left - scarily close! But bring on the adventure!

You can still donate towards my trip and even sponsor me for the bike ride by going to http://www.latinlink.org/Donate.aspx . To give towards my trip (Step 2011) please follow the link and select to contribute to a person - you'll find me near the bottom of the list as "Sarah Waterman (Step 2011)".

Alternatively, you can donate straight to me. Please email me on sarahinchile@hotmail.co.uk for details.

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated already, I really appreciate every single donation, whether its been 10p or £100, everything counts so thank you!

Hasta Luego Mis Amigos xx

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