Welcome to A Chile Adventure!
In early March 2011, I will be embarking on an epic adventure to work in Chile for four months with a fabulous group of Christians and the organisation Latin Link. The plan is to keep all you guys updated with my progressing in raising money to get there and all that I get up to while I'm out there!
Please keep me, the guys and girls I'm travelling with and the people we will be working with in your prayers and please donate if you can!

Friday 27 May 2011

I think I feel a change in the winds said I...

Well thank the Lord it´s stopped raining this week and has in fact brighten up a bit, and today its actually feeling pretty warm!

We´ve had a really productive week, after demolishing the shed, we´ve rebuilt the walls and the roof, covering it all in new tin and filling in lots of holes! And the garden is looking cracking! I need to take some up to date pictures of it all, as we´ve now got flower beds along the side of the fences, all bordered and ready for planting up! The guys have all been working hard under the direction of Rocky as our gardening leader and hopefully its all gonna turn out looking beautiful!

And that´s pretty much been everyday this week, just working every day at the school and generally colapsing in the evenings with really aching muscles!

But I did remember the other day that I haven´t written about a very ...interesting episode that happened a week or so back, so I shall tell you now!

On the 13th of May, Nathan, Jonny, Jack and I went to collect our washing from the laundrette at about 8pm. We don´t have a washing machine in use at this house, so we general get all our washing done up the road at the laundrette. Anyway, we went downt he main street towards the shopping centre andf there were a lot of people around, and police redirecting traffic and a LOT of shouting and students around. As we got closer to Jumbo (the big supermarket), we realised there were a lot of people running away from the shopping centre and the road was blocked off, but we didn´t really think about it. That was until we started to go over the little bridge just outside Jumbo, only to find we were blocked in by riot police!!! We tried to get out of their way, but clearly they thought that Jonny was involved in the protests that we later found out were happening. They grabbed him from behind and started to take him down the bridge. It was at this point we realised that maybe collecting the washing tonight was a bad idea! We tried to follow them, but they dragged him through a hedge towards their riot van and wouldn´t let us through. At this point, Jonny decided he didn´t want to go into the riot van so grab the hedge and tried to get the police to explain what was happening (probably not the best idea!!) We were all trying our best to explain that we are English and literally had no idea what was happening! But they were having none of it, and took Jonny into the van... At this point someone asked me what was happening, and I explained that they´d taken our friend and we were English, so the whole crowd started to shout out the police :-/ But all we could do was wait until they let Jonny back out the van, which they thankfully did, and he was greeted by a round of applause by the surrounding Chileans and they sang their national anthem to him as we walked away. Safe to say we didn´t get our washing :P

All fun and games :P

Well until next time :) x

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