Welcome to A Chile Adventure!
In early March 2011, I will be embarking on an epic adventure to work in Chile for four months with a fabulous group of Christians and the organisation Latin Link. The plan is to keep all you guys updated with my progressing in raising money to get there and all that I get up to while I'm out there!
Please keep me, the guys and girls I'm travelling with and the people we will be working with in your prayers and please donate if you can!

Friday 13 May 2011

Bariloche - Ohhhh Yehh!

So here´s the Bariloche run down!!

We got up at 4.30am on the 30th of April to set off to Argentina and Bariloche. We took a bus down to Osorno in Chile to change buses to travel over the mountains to Argentina. Only one problem... when we arrived at Osorno, it was discovered that Jonny had left his passport in Temuco... and there was no way he was getting into Argentina without it! So Dave and Jonny had to buy new tickets back to Temuco and change the tickets to Bariloche for the next day - there´s only one bus over the boarder a day.

So the rest of us set off over the boarder getting in trouble for not sitting in the right seats and forgetting some papers on the way! But its all fun and games. We got checked out of Chile into no man´s land, before being checked into Argentina. Such beautiful scenery and mountains all around, it was amazing! We reached Bariloche and Hostel 41 Below at about 5pm and it was lush - proper beds and a hot shower! winner!!

We spent Sunday chilling and resting, taking a couple of walks around the town and seeing the lake and the scenery. It was Holy Day - which was kinda like Labour Day, so not a lot was open, but we found a cafe and had a nice little cup of tea and some cake. The boys arrived in from Temuco at about 4pm and so we went out for steak to celebrate! And I cannot explain just how good the meat was that we ate in Argentina! It was insane just how good it was!!!

Monday was our bike ride day! We set off at about 9 to get the bus out to the hire place and went off on the 14km ride, that went round a big lake, up and down so many hills, finding hidden lakes and incredible views. Every corner we took just got more beautiful! And the final push up the biggest hill gave us the most stunningly amazing breathtaking view I´ve ever seen - it literally took my breath away! It looked something out of Neverland! It was amazing! No picture will ever do it justice!!

Tuesday was Bariloche day which was a full on parade day - the most ´interesting´ parade I´ve ever seen! They literally had every school, pre school, college, group, association, club, sport group, old people´s group, army regiment, police force, dog groups, fire engine, dancers, countries represented.... and it went on for HOURS! lol! But we got to have a look around some of the shops which we open and in the evening there was a dance exhibition in the town square. It was awesome - they had a suspended stage from which they suspended dancers who were dancing and doing acrobats in the air, and then a pair of people on wires who would dance up and down the clock tower, and they alternated between the two ´stages´. It was incredible to watch! And then it all finished off with a firework display, lovely :)

We had a couple more chilled days, eating lots of good food and steak and generally relaxing which was really lovely. We celebrated Jonnys birthday on´Thursday, and everybody went out for steak in the evening, and it was soooo good I nearly cried LOL! It was amazing!

I think everyone deffo enjoyed the break, especially as now we´re back into a hectic schedule! But I will tell you about that in a minute!!!

Much love


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