Welcome to A Chile Adventure!
In early March 2011, I will be embarking on an epic adventure to work in Chile for four months with a fabulous group of Christians and the organisation Latin Link. The plan is to keep all you guys updated with my progressing in raising money to get there and all that I get up to while I'm out there!
Please keep me, the guys and girls I'm travelling with and the people we will be working with in your prayers and please donate if you can!

Friday 8 April 2011


Wow, sorry its been so long since I´ve written on here, it´s amazing how fast time goes and before you know it a week full of events has gone by and you haven´t written about anything!

I´ll try and give a rough overview of the last couple of weeks!

The good news is we now have a hot shower! Which means we all smell better and are generally cleaner! We´ve also now got a washing machine that works so we can get our clothes clean :D double yay!

We took a trip last weekend to Teodoro Schmitt, a village about an hour away, to work in a church there - a bit of painting and visiting people in their homes as well as singing a lot of songs at church services!

We´ve done a lot more painting in the place where we´re saying as well starting some work in the community more practically.

After the local kids trying to break in a few times, they seem to have calmed down a bit. They don´t come over the gate anymore, but I think they think we have loads of money...which I guess in comparison to them, we probably do. But I´ve found out that we´re actually in quite a tough area of Temuco, it´s called Santa Rosa, and a lot of the families have quite complicated lives - no dads around for a lot of them because they´ve either left or died. Which is really sad, and produces some pretty desperate kids.

But it´s hard to know what to do to help, but at the church we´re working with at the moment, there aren´t any young people and there´s no kids work at all. So anything we satar, will just fall on its ass unless someone here carries it on.... Ive been praying about what it is God wants us to do... and today I think we´ve seen the first fruit of that.

Last week we went out into the community to ask if we could do anything to help people (Love Horsham style :P) And we found a plot of land that is public land, but people have dumped stuff there and its overgrown. So we started cleaning it today and were discussing how it would be nice to do something with it, like make it into a park or something... when.... A random guy walked down the street who happens to work in the council... or with the council or summit... anyway, basically he was amazed by what we were doing and said that he has a groupd of young people who could help and would like to... so i think we´re gona talk to the pastor here and see if we can intiate this as a community project,. for and with the community :D

We´ve not got very long left at this project now, and the weeks are filling up fast, but hopefully we´ll be able to make a lasting difference here that goes beyond a group of westerns coming to take pictures and then leaving again.

I´ll try and get some more up to date news and events here in the next couple of days

Much love to all


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