Welcome to A Chile Adventure!
In early March 2011, I will be embarking on an epic adventure to work in Chile for four months with a fabulous group of Christians and the organisation Latin Link. The plan is to keep all you guys updated with my progressing in raising money to get there and all that I get up to while I'm out there!
Please keep me, the guys and girls I'm travelling with and the people we will be working with in your prayers and please donate if you can!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Major Overview of the last weeks....

Okay, so I´m gona try and do a quick run down of the last few weeks since the 8th of April... :P

9-Apr Sat - We went to an area of Temuco to distrubute some boxes from Operation Christmas Child - totally amazing to see the end result of something I´ve been involved in at home! Then went round Luciano´s house to have asado disco (meat cooked on a massive hot disc over an open fire) which was deeeeelicious!

10-Apr Sun - Church for the kids in the morning and for adults in the evening, pretty full on day prepping and doing things

11-Apr Mon - We went with Yasmina round to some houses in the community and tidied their gardens, creating a path for one lady just generally making things tidier! Managed to hold a got hour long conversation with Luciano in Spanish :P wo0op!

12-Apr Tues - Day off! :D MAde lots of tiny fairy cakes and then went to Yasmina´s to watch a film :)

13-Apr Wed - We were meant to go with Pastor Ezekiel to the school that his wife works at...everyone was ready at 11 to go.... at 12 we got a phone call saying he wasn´t coming and we weren´t going there today... gota love Chilean timing :P So we went to the playgroup next door to the church and sang songs with them and played with them instead :)

14-Apr Thurs - Porridge for breakfast...as always, just thought I´d mention it again :P We went to the university and shared a bible study with some of the students, in English to help them inprove their language. Then jumped on a bus to Champulli... a village just outside Teodoro Schmitt, arrived and went straight into a service, before meeting Juanita, who was the girls host of the weekend - One of the most loveliest, warmest ladies I´ve ever met!!

15-Apr Fri - Got up and headed off to the church to start work on the kitchen there...only to find the kitchen was locked and the pastors had gone out.... soooooo we weeded the entire church garden :P And also were able to help with building a house nearby, and brought a load of stuff to start work on the kitchen tomorrow....

16-Apr Sat - did a bit of work on the kitchen and the garden of the church, and also visited a some ill people to pray with them and talk with their families. We´ve done that quite a bit, and it always amazes me to see Pastor Ezekiel´s hearts for these people, so reflective of God´s heart and of His love. We then had an 8 hour praise meeting from 8pm till 4am... wooooooooo..... that was mad!

17-Apr - Sun - Everyone was SO tired today! Shared breakfast with all the church members, and had to say goodbye... amazing how much they were saddened to see us go, it was like a member of their family was leaving... incredible love and warmth for people. Sarah, Emily, Jonny, Nathan and I travelled to Poucolon (another little village nearby) to visit a couple of families and pray with them, and then we went to a churhc service there to share with the people.

18-Apr - Mon - DAY OFF! wo0op!

And then we´re at today! We´ve been working in a school today, doing assemblies and getting mobbed by children as we tried to leave... that´s always fun! They all call us tia /tio (for girl /boy) and wouldn´t let go of us! Kinda scary LOL! But it was good fun.

We´re off to another village from tomorrow until Sunday called Haulpin, which is about 2 hours south of Temuco... and it´s gonna be cold! It was cold in Champulli, and Haulpin is further south... So thermal vests and mass amounts of layers me thinks! So the weather here´s been great, it´s so cold in the morning and at night! So glad I have a four season sleeping bag!!!

Anyway, hope that´s given a bit of an update to the events here :)

Much love


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sarah,
    it is amazing reading about your adventure, it give us such a very good account of what is happening over there. We shall pray for the team and we wish you all a very Happy Easter.
    Love The Reeves family
